The F&G JU-2000E is a self-elevating drilling unit designed for all-year, harsh-environment operation in approximately 400 feet of water. This unit is designed to meet the 50-year-return environmental conditions in accordance with classification society assessment criteria & SNAME T & R Bulletin 5.5.
Quarters Capacity 150 man
Operating Water Depth 122 m
Usable Deck Area 2,845 m squared
Max. Drilling Variable Deck Load 6,486 m.tons
Max. Survival Variable Deck Load 2,995 m.tons
Max. Combined Variable Deck Load 1,360 m.tons
Max. Cantilever Extension 22.9 m
Max. Drill Floor Offset +/- 4.6 m
Price is approximately $230 million. Please contact us by RFQ for more information.