Mobile Workover Drilling Rigs for Sale is a broker for new and used mobile drilling rigs. We have access to a large selection from the USA, Canada, Europe, and China. Please send us a RFQ. Let us know if you need a rig that is not listed.

New Mobile Workover/Drilling Rigs

New USA Mobile Workover/Drilling Rigs

1000 HP

1000 HP Trailer Mounted Drilling Rig


PRICE: Depending on final configuration. Available: 60 days or less.


1000 HP

1000 HP Carrier Mounted Drilling Rig – USA Made


Available: 60 days or less

New Chinese Mobile Workover/Drilling Rigs

750 HP

XJ750 Truck-mounted Workover Rig

750 HP truck mounted workover rig








Inventory & Quote

Final price depends on rig configurations. Available in 90 days or less.


1000 HP

ZJ40 1000 HP Truck-mounted Drilling Rig

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Inventory and Quote


Final price depends on rig configurations. Available in 90 days or less.

Used Mobile Workover/Drilling Rigs

Used USA Mobile Workover/Drilling Rigs

900 HP

Skytop Brewster TR-800, 900 hp Trailer Mounted Drilling Rig, Completely Reconditioned

Specifications and Photos

Available Now. Location: Texas


775 HP

Service King 775 Self Propelled Carrier Drilling Rig


Availability: Less than 30 days


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SKYTOP BREWSTER RR-400 Well Service Unit 42X10 TUBING DRUM w/PARMAC Hydromatic Brake, p/b DETROIT 12V-71 Diesel Eng ALLISON 5860 Trans w/Drop Box, SKYTOP BREWSTER 96H, 210,000# 4-Leg Telescoping Mast, Hydraulically Raised & Scoped w/4-Sheave Crown, Dbl Tubing & Triple Rod Boards, Mtd on SKYTOP BREWSTER 4-Axle Carrier w/Sgl-Man Cab, (4) Hyd Leveling Jacks, Air & Hyd Controls, Utility Hoist, Swing-Out Tong Rack, Floatation Front Tires, 2” STANDPIPE & ROD TRANSFER CYLINDER W/CONTROLS





Corsair Crane Carrier W3284CCorsair Crane Carrier W3284C, Series 60 Detroit Diesel, 3180 Allison transmission, 96’- 215,000# mast & 42X12-42X8 Drawworks

Price: $375,000, $425,000 complete with tools






FRANKS 1058-160-DTD-HT DD FRANKS 1058-160-DTD-HT D/D Well Service Unit p/b DETROIT 8V-71N Diesel Eng, ALLISON CLT-750 Trans. 96’H 180,000# 4-Leg Telescoping Mast(NEW), Hydraulically Raised & Scoped w/4-Sheave Crown, Dbl Tubing & Triple Rod Boards, Adjustable Height Work Platform.
Mtd on FRANKS “Rocket” 4-Axle Carrier w/Sgl-Man Cab, (4) Hyd Leveling Jacks, Air & Hyd Controls, Floatation Front Tires.



MAST- 120’ 450,000#, 48” DRAWWORKS

Price: $550,000







FRANKS 200FRANKS 200 42×10-42×8 D/D Well Service Unit p/b DETROIT 8V-92T Diesel Eng, ALLISON CLBT-4460 Trans.

71’H 150,000# Telescoping Mast, Hydraulically Raised & Scoped w/5-Sheave Crown, Sgl Tubing & Dbl Rod Boards, Adjustable Height Work Platform.
Mtd on FRANKS 4-Axle Carrier w/Sgl-Man Cab, (4) Hyd & (2) Manual Leveling Jacks, RAMSEY Hyd Utility Hoist, Air & Hyd Controls, 11R-24.5 Tires





FRANKS 658 D/D Well Service Unit p/b CAT 3406 Diesel Eng, ALLISON HT-750 Trans.
96’H 180,000# Telescoping Mast, Hydraulically Raised & Scoped w/4-Sheave Crown, Dbl Tubing & Triple Rod Boards, Adjustable Height Work Platform.
Mtd on FRANKS “Cruiser” 4-Axle Carrier w/NEW Sgl-Man Cab, (4) Hyd leveling Jacks, Hyd Utility Hoist, Air & Hyd Controls, Flotation Front Tires





FRANKS 658-80-DTD-HT D/D Well Service Unit p/b DETROIT 6V-71N Diesel Eng (Reman Oct. 2010), ALLISON HT-740 Trans (Reman May 2011).
FRANKS 71’H 150,000# Tri-Scope Telescoping Mast, Hydraulically Raised & Scoped w/4-Sheave Crown, Sgl Tubing & Dbl Rod Boards, Adjustable Height Work Platform.

Mtd on FRANKS Explorer III 3-Axle Carrier w/Sgl-Man Cab, (2) Hyd Leveling Jacks, BRADEN Hyd Utility Hoist, Air & Hyd Controls, Floatation Front Tires




FRANKS 1287-160-DTD-HTFRANKS 1287-160-DTD-HT D/D Well Service Unit p/b DETROIT 8V-71N Diesel Eng, ALLISON CBT-4460-1 Trans.

96′ 180,000# Hydraulically Raised & Scoped w/5-Sheave Crown, Dbl Tubing & Triple Rod Boards.
Mtd on FRANKS 4-Axle Carrier w/Sgl-Man Cab, (4) Hyd Leveling Jacks, Hyd Utility Hoist, Air & Hyd Controls, Floatation Front Tires





Ingersoll Rand 600

Ingersoll Rand 600 68′ 500,000# Trailer
Mast-117′ 350,000#, Power-CAT C-18, Allison CLT 6061

Rig rebuilt in 2012 with many new parts

Price: $575,000






FRANKS 38x10-38x10 DD Well Service Unit wPARMAC

FRANKS 38×10-38×10 D/D Well Service Unit w/PARMAC 15” DR Brake p/b DETROIT 8V-71T Diesel Eng, ALLISON TC-955 Torque Converter w/ALLISON 627 Trans, QUINCY 325 Compressor, FRANKS 96’H 180,000# 4-Leg Telescoping Mast, Hydraulically Raised & Scoped w/5-Sheave Crown, Dbl. Tubing & Triple Rod Boards, Mtd on FRANKS Explorer III 5-Axle Carrier Including Rear Air Drag Axle, Sgl-Man Cab, (4) Hyd Leveling Jacks, Air & Hyd Controls, Floatation Front Tires




CARDWELL Km-250CARDWELL Km-250 42×9-38×8 D/D Well Service Unit w/17” double hydromatic Brake p/b CAT 3406 Diesel Eng, ALLISON 5860 dropbox Trans, 96’ Telescoping Mast, Hydraulically Raised & Scoped, Mtd on CARDWELL 5-Axle Carrier w/Sgl-Man Cab, (4) Hyd Leveling Jacks, Air & Hyd Controls, Hyd Utility Hoist & Floatation Front Tires



Under Construction – Order Now


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